Monday, January 16, 2012

Astronauts in danger, ISS in jeopardy, Pay Russia 300 M/yr., Magnificent Shuttle gathers dust in museum


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This linked NASA document covers the procedure used in manned rating Soyus to meet US requirements. Their are many areas in design, mfg., and various levels of testing that do not meet, or it is unknown if they meet US requirements. Look at the Crew Soyus appendix, several Cosmonauts have lost their lives or had close calls in the parachute landings operations.

It borders on gross incompetence to go back to parachute landings. Runway landings are infinitely better than parachute landings.

So our brain dead leaders put the shuttle in a museum and America goes back to parachute landings for our new designs, and hires the Russians at 40 to 60 million per flight with dangerous parachute landings. Several Cosmonauts had significant near misses.
Look at the preciseness of shuttle landings and compare to the description of the parachute landings described in the Crew Soyus appendix. Their landings appear to be extremely

Considering low budget CC and our "improved landing approach" for American's new designs plus placing Astronauts in peril in the Soyus, one comes to the conclusion that our " leaders" should be replaced ASAP.
This will not occur since our main leader is pleased with the destruction of the US space program.

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