Wednesday, December 25, 2013

From a shuttle supporter

The Space Shuttle has long been one of America's greatest achievements both in space and beyond. Our nation deserves to keep the Space Shuttle program alive and well as handing the reigns of space travel and exploration over to the Russians would be a catastrophic crime after everything we as Americans have accomplished. The US Space Program has long been our beacon of hope and prosperity ever since putting a man on the moon. We did not become the world's leader in space only to bow down now and PAY the Russians to take us into space from here on out! To think we would have to pay $55.8 million per ride to space to the Russians each and every time we wanted to go to space is absurd not to mention a gross negligence of our money, our jobs here at home and our national security! NO way should we be making the Russians richer, while jeopardizing our own jobs, engineering, manufacturing, etc. here at home! It is a matter of national security and economic stabilty, not to mention a matter of principle! My father was a mechanical engineer who worked on the Space Shuttle program back when this country still produced and manufactured everything here at home in the US. I grew up with the Space Shuttle ever since its maiden voyage in the 70′s and beyond. We grew up knowing about the wonders of space, engineering, science and technology and the great achievement the Space Shuttle represented for America. It is as great today as it was in the beginning….Please SAVE the SPACE SHUTTLE PROGRAM and save our national heritage, our national economy and our national security!!!

Sent from my iPad

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