Monday, December 19, 2011

Space Goose??

Stratolaunch: SpaceShipThree or Space Goose?
Last week Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen announced he was teaming up with Burt Rutan, Mike Griffin, and others to create Stratolaunch Systems, a new company developing an air launch system. Jeff Foust describes the company's launch concept and the issues that have generated skepticism in some quarters.

ISS Next: chasing humanity's future in space and the "next logical step"
Missing from the debate about the future of NASA's human spaceflight efforts is one long-term question: what comes after the ISS? Roger Handberg argues that the failure to contemplate that question now could eventually mean ceding leadership in space station efforts to the Chinese.

An about face for commercial crew
NASA appeared set to press ahead with more conventional contracts for the next phase of its commercial crew program, but last week the agency abruptly changed course and said it would go back to Space Act Agreements instead. Jeff Foust reports on the reasons for the change and the reactions from industry and government.

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