Friday, July 17, 2015

You can kiss your way of life in the USA Goodby without a dominate USA space capability!

These capabilities are in their infancy now, but as technology develops this country will have absolute control of sites on Earth. Look at history, so you think space will be peaceful ? Much more likely, military dominance country will control earth.
The USA must be the dominant country, otherwise you can kiss you way of life in the USA good by! has a detailed article on space operations & functions that be controlled from Earth Orbit.

However, there is now a general lack of interest in USA space capabilities , you must get this changed if you desire to continue you way of life in the USA!
Abbey's article in Washington Examiner brings up excellent points!

To get this fixed we must get attention of congress. To do this each of you must get all your friends involved. Blogging, tweeting, Igram, email are the best way of communicating .

This country is in trouble with the illegals & radical muslims in addition to economy.
The future does not look good with the kind of leaders we now have.
Please help change our leadership .

Sent from my iPad

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