Saturday, July 25, 2015

DANGEROUS, Letting our Space Capabilities Deteriorate , Better raise Hell!!

China will soon be in control! Liberals insane!

China rapidly becoming leading space faring nation resulting in a serious threat to USA! Call , email, tweet your reps in DC before too late!

THIS is something we must fix, asap, the X37 can be used to meet our needs.

Hillhouse ( American Space) stated----

And those in Congress specializing in space are well aware that, had getting independent access to ISS for our nation really been Job #1 for NASA's leadership, then the Administration would have approved Boeing's proposal for the X-37B follow-on, the 5 crew X-37C. We are talking about a dependable spacecraft that can sit in orbit for over a year and NASA said no to making it a crewed vehicle. Why?


China's Space Shuttle
The China National Space Administration (CNSA) can be expected to introduce a reusable space shuttle transportation system by 2020. The program is designed Project 921-3 and is convincing evidence that CNSA understands that at 21st century space program must be based on reusable space vehicles with capability to launch and return crew and cargo from spaced based facilities. With a space shuttle and spaced based infrastructure China will become the dominate space faring nation.

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