Wednesday, July 22, 2015

IMPACT of loss of control of Earth Orbit

SIMPLY NO Excuse for the lack of space capabilities or Condition of US Borders!!!

From Harrison Schmitt blog---

Again, if we abandon leadership in deep space to the any other nation or group of nations, particularly a non-democratic regime, the ability for the United States and its allies to protect themselves and liberty for the world will be at great risk and potentially impossible. To others would accrue the benefits—psychological, political, economic, and scientific—that the United States harvested as a consequence of Apollo's success 40 years ago. This lesson has not been lost on our ideological and economic competitors.

American leadership absent from space? Is this the future we wish for our progeny? I think not. Again, future elections offer the way to get back on the right track.

As summarized by a former Chief Engineer at Kennedy Space Center, "The Orbiter is the most fantastic flying machine built by man. Its retirement in 2010 is premature and shortsighted. What a waste of unique hardware and all the associated infrastructure and people skills that have been developed at Kennedy Space Center. (This applies as well to the other NASA Centers and to the Corporate Suppliers.) The knowledge base and support for complex space launches take a significant time to establish, and now we're planning to dismantle the talented workforce at that site, together with the software and procedures established over 123 flights, to begin a new program --- to return to a capsule-- see pic below!

The waste is totally unbelievable & Unacceptable.   Our capabilities were unique, & world renown.   Even if we get capsules manned successfully ( which may take longer than expected), we are a long way from the capabilities the US needs

WHY is it so HARD to understand , WE NEED both Shuttle EO capabilities AND exploration capabilities which the Shuttle can provide & a heavy lift unmanned launch capabilities.   WE NEED both capabilities!!

The reason the U.S. Is in this situations, is BECAUSE of LIBERALS  ( both dem & republican) in congress & executive branch.  
THIS MUST BE CORRECTED.   We have to get the word out by blogging, or any other form of communication.
The U.S. Is in danger if this situation is not rectified.

Sent from my iPad

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