Sunday, February 26, 2012

They own it all.

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They Own It All
by Rense Johnson, Chairman
Citizens for Term Limits … for a fresh Congress!
April 5, 2010

As we all know, the Obamadems passed their own health care plan, and now they own it, lock, stock and train wreck.

As House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, they passed it so they could find out what is in it. And little by little they are finding out. After all there’s a lot of stuff in a 2,000-page bill, a lot to discover if most haven’t read all of it (or read it at all.)

Now the Obamacare chickens are coming home to roost.

Many large corporations had been warning of the very situation whereby a bi-partisan previously enacted tax incentive allowing them to continue paying medical benefits to their loyal retired workers—has run smack dab into one of the aforementioned Obamacare chickens. That is to say these corporations are required by law to notify their respective stockholders of any such development.

They have no choice. Each was required by law to report this unfortunate situation to its stockholders. The retirees and their retirement medical benefits were the unfortunate pawns in this very avoidable health care bill fiasco.

Instead of the few billions of bucks cost estimate produced by the phony math of the ObamaDems’ Obamacare, Republicans were realistic. GOP Senators Tom Coburn and Judd Gregg agreed that the cost would be at least $2.5 Trillion, likely more, while the Congressional Budget Office estimated a trillion dollars per year for the next decade – a whopping ten trillion more dollars we don’t have.

Watching the Obamadems panic is not a pretty sight. When they realize that it has been their own stupidity that has brought about the loss of the retirement medical benefits of likely millions of retirees and the beneficial multiplier effect it would have as it spread through the economy, they act in precisely 180 degrees the wrong way.

Today, evidence of the Obamacrats’ panicking is Congressman Henry Waxman’s demands that fifteen or twenty of the nation’s largest corporations report to his Energy and Commerce Committee, bringing with them all internal communications and corporate records. Before it’s over Waxman by his own actions will have made himself to look foolish.

Just think: If we had had congressional term limits in place ten years ago, none of this would have happened. Twenty years ago and the nation might still be solvent!

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