Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dummies in DC---CC Safety---Compare to Shuttle/Apollo

Reference articles about CC.

Obama/bolden/Garver killed shuttle, hired Russians, kicked off CC.  Now some in congress are concerned about astronaut safety, NASA controls.

Well, you guys put this bunch of dummies in power, now figure it out.  Do I have to explain it to you.  You can't develop shuttle/Apollo safety in an austere budget program like Commercial Crew.  Consider the amount of funds expended on shuttle and Apollo crew safety, the amount of testing, etc.  Just wait until CC looses some astronauts, and many bad mouthed the shuttle for being unsafe--people running and advocating CC DON'T HAVE A CLUE as to what is involved in CREW SAFETY while the Shuttle on which we have invested billions sits in Museum--what a crock of ___. If CC is treated like shuttle after an accident, we may never FLY AGAIN. I am referring to the manner which ASAP and CAIB unfairly treated shuttle.

Wayne Hale is correct, CC will have a "train wreck".

Look at the Queen of CC, Garver, her background, SHE does not have a clue.  Somebody will pay the ultimate in CC program.

SLS /Orion ten years away,  assuming no problems, HOW likely is that??

Meanwhile, the most fantastic flying machine in the MUSEUM.
RESTART SHUTTLE or we will pay big time for the Stupidity of this bunch in DC.

Sent from my iPad

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