Monday, August 3, 2015

USA needs to be & s/b leader in space programs!

A comment on article re Access to ISS

USA needs to be & should be the leader in Space Programs!

We have an excellent design for a space shuttle--the existing design. The existing design has shown to be very successful. From that existing design any and all updates can be added without any major delays. The booster rockets for the shuttle program proved to be reliable and can be build on a shot schedule. We need to remove all political game playing and do what is right for the USA. The past shows that when we depend on other nations the USA gets the short end. Between Boeing and others this country produces the most reliable products in the world. Depending on Russia is like depending on a snake, it will always bit you. Most of the development of China and/or Russia has been stolen or given to them. Both have shown to be untrustworthy in many areas of cooperation between them and the USA. The secret in dealing with them is to always face them, never turn your back. This is true when dealing with the middle east. We must trust, but always verify any and all things. I was in the aerospace and nuclear industry for over 40 years, served in the Army during the Korean War. Always trust, but verify any and all things. The USA needs to and should be the leader in the space programs. We as the people need to call our elected politicians to task and stop them from playing games with our lives and future. GOD BLESS AMERICA
I agree. B. Martin 
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