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From: "Darian Ghorbi, on behalf of America's Power" <>
Date: February 6, 2014 4:29:51 PM CST
To: "" <>
Subject: Unachievable and Unproven
Reply-To: "Darian Ghorbi, on behalf of America's Power" <>
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Today, the EPA held a public hearing on their proposed New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for new coal and gas-fueled power plants.
The EPA's proposed rule sets unachievable limits based on yet-unproven carbon capture and storage or CCS technology. Requiring CCS makes new coal plants prohibitively expensive to build, regardless of how clean and efficient they are. Eliminating the option to build new coal plants discourages fuel diversity, which helps protect electricity consumers.
During the EPA's hearing, a mobile billboard circled our nation's capital showing two videos that highlighted the devastating impacts of the proposed NSPS; and strongly urged this administration to protect coal jobs, prevent an increase in energy costs, secure the reliability of our electric grid and support the communities that count on coal.
You can stand up to this regulatory overreach with us. Sign our letter to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and make sure your government knows you want to protect coal jobs!
Please take a moment to watch the two videos below to learn more about how the EPA's path forward is threatening our energy future and economic security.
Don't let this administration jeopardize the families, businesses and communities that rely on coal. Sign our letter to the EPA today.
Thank you,
Darian Ghorbi
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1152 15th Street, NW | Washington, DC 20005
This information is provided by the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity (ACCCE), an organization funded by America's coal-based electric utilities, freight railroads, coal producers, barge and trucking companies and manufacturers that supply the coal-based electricity industry. Please visit us at America's Power for additional information.
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