Monday, September 14, 2015

The Space Shuttle is the one unmistakeable symbol of America’s superiority. And what a perfect symbol it was! The technology, the economic might, the daring, the rigorous discipline that are required to make the shuttle possible is something that evidently can only happen in America. And that is exactly why Obama hates it so much ! The Space Shuttle is a thunderous bright shiny proof that everything Obama stands for everything that Obama is, his VERY ESSENCE is a lie and an evil deception. The result of a capitalist free market system, the Shuttle thundered to the heavens propelled by fossil fuel and the brilliant minds of white scientists piloted by white astronauts leaving behind a white contrail heading straight to the Heavens. My, my how the racist Obama and Moocher ( hat tip Rush) must’ve gone into epileptic fits every time the shuttle went up. And they were not alone!

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