Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fwd: We Had Better Stop Them

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From: "The Tea Party" <>
Date: September 24, 2014 6:30:50 AM CDT
To: "Bobby martin" <>
Subject: We Had Better Stop Them

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Dear Patriot,

Today is one of those times when it is difficult to know where to begin. While the crisis in the Middle East escalates, the President of the United States delivers a speech yesterday at the UN, apologizing once again for America's fault in the ills of the world. He then quickly switched gears to talk about global warming and how America is number two in destroying the planet before hinting of his real plan to tax the life out of our nation in the name of making more eco-billionaires of his crony friends.

Following his trashing of America in what is being called the "Latte Salute", he raised his paper coffee cup to his marine guard in a half ass salute while exiting Marine One yesterday. I would think that the Commander in Chief would show at least a little respect for our military personnel, especially considering that he is sending our warplanes and troops into harm's way with his air attacks against ISIS. Perhaps he was late for a tee time or distracted planning his next vacation. Unfortunately, I just don't see signs of respect or understanding of the job they are prepared to do on his orders.

We can shake our heads all we want and pretend that it's not as bad as it seems. ISIS is already in America and is busy planning attacks. Nobody knows where and when they will strike but with the President hitting ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq, we had better be prepared sooner than later. I encourage each of you to stock up on water, non perishable foods and what you need to protect your family should the worst happen.

The only way we can stop the "fundamental change" Obama promised is to flip the Senate in November and pressure our elected officials to grow a spine to fight his unconstitutional actions. If we don't, the President and his Senate comrade, Harry Reid are going to make sure that every Federal Court is loaded with activist judges who like them, think the Constitution was written by a bunch of old, out of touch white men and no longer applies to a Socialist America. 

This is a call to action and we are quickly running out of time. The Tea Party, in spite of all the attacks, is stronger than ever and we will continue to grow as more and more wake up to the fact that we have been duped by ruling class. Our job is to sound the bugles from every hilltop and drive home the message that America is worth saving.

Our efforts are dependent on your support and I thank those of you who have stepped up to help. The solution is bigger than any of us individually, but together, we are a mighty army of Patriots who like those before us will rise to challenge of saving what makes our country great.

Thank you,

Niger Innis

Executive Director


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