Sunday, July 7, 2013

V. Jarrett

I do believe that I may have stumbled upon something that the mainstream media has missed: a common connection between three mass murderers and the White House.

First, let us look at Nidal Hassan. He was the Fort Hood shooter who went on a rampage killing spree against deploying soldiers. Apparently, no one noticed any red flags leading up to his behavior. According to Wikipedia, Hassan trained and operated as a phsyciatrist. This is an exerpt from Wikipedia :

Hasan joined the United States Army immediately after high school, and served eight years as anenlisted soldier while attending college. He graduated from Virginia Tech in 1995 with a bachelor's degree in biochemistry, and went on to attend medical school at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences ("USUHS" or "USU").[21] After earning his medical degree in 2003, Hasan completed his residency in psychiatry at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.[22] While an intern at Walter Reed, he received counseling and extra supervision.

Now, let us take a look at Colorado mass murderer James Holmes. Again, Holmes didn't show any red flags before he gained entrance into a movie theatre and killed twelve people and wounded scores of others. Acording to USA Today, Holmes graduated from the University of California-Riverside with a B.S. in neuroscience. This is the exerpt:

Update at 3:27 p.m. ET: The University of California-Riverside confirms that James Eagan Holmes graduated with honors in spring 2010 with a B.S. degree in neuroscience.

Now, we have Wisconsin mass murderer Wade Page. Again, according to those who knew him, he did not show any red flags before he gunned down six people. Mr. Page served in the US Military and was schooled in Psychological Operations as reported by USA Today. This is the exerpt:

Page enlisted in April 1992 and was given a less-than-honorable discharge in October 1998. CBS reportsthat Page served at Fort Bliss, Texas, in the psychological operations unit in 1994, and was last stationed at Fort Bragg, N.C., attached to the psychological operations there.

The Associated Press reports that such specialists are responsible for the analysis, development and distribution of intelligence used for influencing foreign populations.

Last but not least, we have Obama White House top senior adviser Valerie Jarrett. According to www., Jarrett is a graduate from Stanford University with a degree in psychology.  This is an excerpt from that biography:

Jarrett spent some of her childhood in the Hyde Park area of Chicago before entering a Massachusetts boarding school. In 1974, she began classes at Stanford University, which would grant her a degree in psychology four years later. From there, she went on to the University of Michigan Law School, and in 1981 returned to Chicago and became an attorney in private practice. In 1983, she wed William Jarrett, a physician she had known since her youth in Hyde Park. They had a daughter together, but the marriage was over by 1988.

Maybe it is just a coincidence, or maybe there is something more here. It just seems highly irregular that as the Obama regime pushes for gun control and winning the election, all of a sudden death and destruction arise to refocus everyone from looking at Obama's failed Presidency. With what has happened over the past four years, can we really think that the use of Psychological Operations (PSYOPs)  is out of the question? Especially at the hands of a trained professional?  It is for you to decide. As always, stay safe and be aware of your surroundings.

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