Sunday, July 7, 2013

Cernan's comments before election---made some good points

Obama failed space program; Romney would revitalize it


Eugene A. Cernan – Orlando Sentinel (Guest Column)


"We now leave as we once came and, God willing, as we shall return: with peace and hope for all mankind."


With these words, I left the moon on Dec. 14, 1972, completing the final manned mission in the Apollo space program.


Those words still resonate in my heart four decades later. But in light of the abdication of leadership over the past four years under President Obama, I'm concerned that the peace and hope the crew of Apollo XVII expressed are more elusive than ever.


The U.S. space program has long been the envy of nations. Since it all began in the 1950s, the United States had become the unchallenged leader in space exploration. Apollo XI's historic mission to the moon united our country, not only because it was — as my friend Neil Armstrong said — "One small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind," but because it represented our nation's triumph over our adversaries.


Even in the midst of "the terrible '60s," when our nation was shackled by civil strife, campus unrest and the beginning of an unpopular war, we banded together and accepted the bold challenge of President John F. Kennedy and once again demonstrated America's collective exceptionalism.


Unfortunately, our nation's space program is today in disarray. Not only did Obama cancel long-held plans for NASA's Constellation program, breaking his earlier promise to fund and implement it, but he has failed to put in place any clear goals about our nation's space programs moving forward.



Four years ago, Obama promised Floridians that space-industry workers wouldn't lose their jobs when the shuttle program ended; in fact, more than 7,400 people lost their jobs. The Kennedy Space Center's 8,500 workers represent its smallest work force in more than 35 years, and it's a far cry from the 15,000 workers the center employed in the mid-1990s.


In short, "hope and change" have not come for the Space Coast; neither have they come for the nation.


Instead, over the past four years, Obama has resorted to leading from behind and asks Americans to settle for a new normal that diminishes our position in the world. Not only is he willing to sacrifice the United States' pre-eminence in space exploration, but he seems unconcerned that our economic and national security might falter as well. It is not just about space; it is about the country.


In contrast, Mitt Romney believes that the 21st century should be an American century in which our country continues to lead the world in terms of the strength of our economy, our military and our space-exploration program. As president, Romney would bring together stakeholders — not only from NASA and leading universities, but also from the Air Force and commercial enterprises — to set goals, identify missions and chart a path that honors the legacy we have built so far and ensures the United States' continued leadership moving forward.


His plan would focus NASA on practical, sustainable missions that balance top-priority science and groundbreaking exploration programs. He would work to partner with our friends in the international community to achieve our nation's space objectives and to open new foreign markets so our aerospace industry can compete for and win business abroad.


And by strengthening our national-security space programs, we can also help ensure the continued safety of our interests around the world.


I've seen the greatness of America. And much of that greatness has stemmed from our unwillingness to settle for second best. I know America can do better than we've been doing over the past four years because I've witnessed it. And I believe America can once again reclaim our nation's strength and leadership by electing Mitt Romney this November.


Eugene A. Cernan flew three historic missions in space as the pilot of Gemini IX (1966), the Lunar Module pilot of Apollo X (1969) and the commander of Apollo XVII (1972). He lives in Houston.

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