Friday, November 18, 2011

Retirement of shuttle Truly is a National Tragedy that could be a National Triumph

Americans, we can overcome this terrible decision to retire the shuttle. Each of you must talk the shuttle up-- about the benefits of it and the space program in general. NASA has a website devoted to spin-offs since NASA was establish in the 50's.

The retirement of the shuttle is tragic in many ways. Consider tha amount of taxpayer money that went into hardware design, fabrication, test, facilities, training all over this great country. Don't let the people in Congress/NASA who are lacking in basic commonsense do this to you and the nation.

I urge you and anyone you can convince to call, email, tweet, etc.,media in general and specifically Foxnews to get the points contained in The Case to Save the Shuttle covered in a series on nationwide TV. Also, Cain supports shuttle and American PREEMINCE in space, let him know how you feel.

Thanks, appreciate your help.
Bobby Martin

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