Monday, August 5, 2013

Fwd: Rogozin: Proton-M crashes due to lack of labour discipline

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From: "Gary Johnson" <>
Date: August 5, 2013 8:13:13 PM GMT-06:00
To: "Gary Johnson" <>
Subject: FW: Rogozin: Proton-M crashes due to lack of labour discipline


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11:29 05/08/2013


Roskosmos plans 4-5 launches of Proton before yearend


Roskosmos plans 4-5 launches of Proton before yearend



MOSCOW, August 5 (Itar-Tass) - Roskosmos plans to perform before the yearend 4-5 launches of Proton rocket, Head of the Federal Space Agency, Roskosmos, Vladimir Popovkin said.

He said the first launch after the break following the accident at Baikonur on July 2 will be with a foreign satellite.

"A foreign satellite was scheduled, so things will proceed as planned," Popovkin said.


ITAR-TASS InfographicsProton-M accident aftermaths and investigation results

Roskosmos, plans to resume launches of Proton-M rockets in September.

"We hope for September, but will firstly see how the enterprise works" to fulfill orders from the investigative commission, the authority's Deputy Head Alexander Lopatin told reporters.

Lopatin is head of the commission investigating into reasons of the recent accident at Baikonur.

On July 2, Proton-M carrier rocket with three GLONASS apparatuses took off from the 81st pad of the Baikonur launch area, but almost immediately after the takeoff began to fall apart, fell down not far from the start, and exploded.

Later, Alexander Lopatin said "at the Khrunichev centre three of the six angular rate sensors had been installed incorrectly." A criminal case was opened.

On August 2, the governmental press service reported Russia's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed an order to reprimand Head of the Federal Space Agency (Roskosmos) Vladimir Popovkin for unduly execution of his occupational duties.

The failure of three angular rate sensors provoked the crash of a Proton-M rocket, Alexander Lopatin said.

"No failure of process discipline has been reported," he stressed.


Rokot launches to be resumed

Vladimir Popovkin also added that Russia's space agency will resume launches of Rokot light-class carrier rocket in the first half of September.

Launches of Rokot had been suspended after its failed launch with military satellite Geo-IK-2 in February 2011.

Popovkin said failures were found in the upper stage control system.

"We sorted everything out and checked it for ion effects. We have positive results after all these follow-up revisions, therefore we are planning this launch in the first half of September," he said adding that Rokot will launch Gonets-M satellites.


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12:42 05/08/2013


Failure of three angular rate sensors confirmed as reason for Proton-M crash


Failure of three angular rate sensors confirmed as reason for Proton-M crash



MOSCOW, August 5 (Itar-Tass) - The inter-departmental commission confirmed that the failure of three angular rate sensors had provoked the crash of a Proton-M rocket, deputy head of the Russian Federal Space Agency Alexander Lopatin said on Monday.

The commission found out that the sensors had been installed wrong (with 180 degrees turn). "The testing proved this," he noted.

"No failure of process discipline has been reported," Lopatin stressed.

The commission instructed the maker to change the design of angular rate sensors for rockets in order to rule out a possibility of wrong installation. The commission also stressed to equip sites of the rocket assembly, photo- and video recording, Lopatin said.

Sensors' makers do not recognize their guilty, he said, adding, "No violations have been revealed when sensors are installed. The work is practically over. Totally, six rockets have been checked."

Till the yearend the Russian Federal Space Agency hopes to make four or five launches of a Proton rocket. The first launch with a foreign satellite is planning to be held in September.

On July 2, the Proton-M rocket with three Glonass-M satellites launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome. However, the rocket changed its flight direction, started to fall and exploded.

According to Roskosmos, the rocket crashed due to the wrong installation of angular rate sensors, which helped monitor the rocket's attitude in space. Earlier, Lopatin said, "The Khrunichev Centre installed three sensors out of the six ones." "The sensors can be installed wrong by using physical force while sensors themselves were in good order," he added.

Criminal proceedings have been instituted.

On July 2, Russian President Vladimir Putin set up a special commission to reform the aerospace sector. The commission is led by Vice-premier Dmitry Rogozin.

On August 2, the government press service reported that Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev issued a reprimand to Roskosmos head Vladimir Popovkin for the improper execution of duties.

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13:06 05/08/2013


Rogozin: Proton-M crashes due to lack of labour discipline


Rogozin: Proton-M crashes due to lack of labour discipline


MOSCOW, August 5 (Itar-Tass) - The Proton-M rocket has crashed due to lack of labor discipline, criminal negligence and the casual attitude from the Russian Federal Space Agency, Vice-Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said.

Speaking at a session of the inter-department commission on Monday, Rogozin said, "This is a standard rocket. What's new in it?"

"How can you install sensors wrong? The whole process is regulated," Rogozin said, adding that the Roskosmos leadership had removed itself from the development of the space infrastructure on Earth and "considers rockets launches the key task".

Till the yearend the Russian Federal Space Agency hopes to make four or five launches of Proton rocket. The first launch with a foreign satellite is scheduled for September.

On July 2, the Proton-M rocket with three Glonass-M satellites was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome. However, the rocket changed its flight direction, started to fall and exploded.

According to Roskosmos, the rocket crashed due to the wrong installation of angular rate sensors, which helped monitor the rocket's attitude in space. Earlier, Lopatin said, "The Khrunichev Centre installed three sensors out of six." "The sensors can be installed wrong by using physical force while sensors themselves were in good order," he added.

Criminal proceedings have been launched.

On July 2, Russian President Vladimir Putin set up a special commission to reform the aerospace sector. The commission is led by Vice-premier Dmitry Rogozin.

On August 2, the government press service reported that Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev issued a reprimand to Roskosmos head Vladimir Popovkin for the improper execution of duties.

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