Monday, August 5, 2013

Bho---I know nothing!!!!!

Rush & savage have it right. He claims he has nothing to do with anything, BUT it is his policy!!!! But low info voters don't get it, they will when free stuff evaporates & Riots in big cities!!!!!

"Obama is a cosmic joke foisted on America," Dr. Savage said to his listeners, adding:

He's one of the greatest tricksters in history. 

Every day, we're supposed to take him more seriously, but every day, we take him less seriously. 

Obama has lost his base except the welfare recipients and the fraudsters making billions of dollars.

Even the legitimate left has turned against him. They can look right through him. 

They see Obama flying here and flying there, and the next day he gives a speech about the poor.

Nobody buys it anymore, except the idiots at the bottom who don't know anything. 

All they know is that they can ship their food stamp groceries to the Caribbean in a shipping container. 

The rehab racket. The disability racket. It's one racket after another. 

It's all a cosmic joke, and the last power you have left is to laugh in their faces.

Sent from my iPad

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