Friday, March 16, 2012

Drilling won't help lie

The Drilling Won’t Help Lie

Posted by Christopher Estep (Diary)
Thursday, March 15th at 1:08PM EDT
For decades we’ve had the same theater played every year or two. People complain about gas prices, Republicans say we need to drill more, Democrats say it will take too long.  Plenty of others have pointed out ad infinitum how we’d be feeling the benefits of 20 years of drilling if we’d started when we wanted to do so. The problem is that the populace has a short attention span and politicians know it. The Democrats have been doing a good job playing to that reality and it’s our own fault that we’ve made no progress on drilling.

While it’s certainly not a complete solution (nothing ever is), we need to make a concerted effort to sway the short-attention-span voter by putting things in terms they can easily grasp and remember.  Politicians need to start beating the drum beat of why it makes sense to drill now and I have a few examples and suggestions of places to start.

To say that starting to drill now is useless because it won’t help for 10 years is like:

not removing tissue because it’s only pre-cancerous, not cancerous.
not taking antibiotics for an abscess because it won’t stop the pain.
refusing oil changes because they don’t help right now.
never contributing to a pension because it won’t help for decades and you’ll just deal with it then. Too many people do that already.
never going to college or even school.
We must stop letting the left throw away the future for their own power today.
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  1. I've watched a news regarding recent job report and how its regarding on unemployment impact the upcoming Convention and longer term the election by Ed Butowsky at Fox News.

    1. Thanks for comment. Referenced report was excellent. We need new leadership in most areas.
