Saturday, August 2, 2014


Why do we keep paying the Russians???

Subject: DESTRUCTION of AMERICA 'S SPACE CAPABILITIES ---WHY did NASA say no to X37 ? NEED Select Congressional Committee to Investigate!!!

WHY ???  Did NASA say no to making x37 a crewed vehicle?????

And those in Congress specializing in space are well aware that, had getting independent access to ISS for our nation really been Job #1 for NASA's leadership, then the Administration would have approved Boeing's proposal for the X-37B follow-on, the 5 crew X-37C. We are talking about a dependable spacecraft that can sit in orbit for over a year and NASA said no to making it a crewed vehicle. Why?  Jim Hillhouse of American Space

Gross Misuse of Nation's Resources Shuttle & x37b
Termination of shuttle is a gross misuse of the Nation's resources. We must get the attention of Congress to get either the shuttle or an equivalent vehicle flying as soon as possible. To accomplish this we must educate the average person to the unique capabilities of this system. To this end we must get the benefits of this concept in the minds of the average American so they will demand the restart of this system/equivalent. Amazingly, we have a near equivalent, the x37b but the idiots we have in DC did not even consider the Boeing proposal--the x37b is operational----google x37 & read the details!!!!!! Boeing proposal ( x37c)---link below. The x37b is an amazing vehicle also!

The media has not done a story on what could be accomplished with the x37 system operated by DOD. The fact we are paying the russians 72 m per ride on soyuz is totally NUTS. To get this changed we need bloggers to get out the word so we can get a large number of people to contact the media constantly and demand that we use the vehicles we have & stop wasting money !!To get this done we need programing in every state on radio/tv bring out the benefits of the program. This will require each of you to constantly contact your local stations encouraging /demanding programs supporting this approach. It is up to you, we are Americans and can make this

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