Monday, July 15, 2013

Fwd: Savage: Our country is in trouble thanks to the morons reporting the news

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Our country is in trouble thanks to the morons reporting the news

Welcome to The Michael Savage Newsletter, your daily insider report on all things "Savage."

In today's issue: Dr. Savage used a racist TV news gaffe that went viral to illustrate a larger point – that this is the same media we're supposed to trust to accurately and fairly report on the major issues of our time.

"This is why our country is in trouble," Savage declared.

"I live in the most intolerant, false liberal city on planet Earth: San Francisco," Dr. Savage told his listeners, explaining:

    A moron on a local TV news channel is now world famous for reading a juvenile anti-Asian joke on the air.

    The idiot reporter claimed she had the names of the pilots involved in that plane crash at San Francisco airport, but they were obviously fake "Chinese" names, like "Sum Ting Wong" and "Wi Tu Lo."

    This country is in trouble because of morons like this idiot, who was so stupid she didn't even understand what she was reading off the teleprompter.

    She should be fired immediately. A Chinese-American civil rights group should sue the station.

    Let me ask you something, all you tolerant liberal liars: What if I had told such a stupid joke about a plane crash, or another conservative had done it?

    This is more important than you might think.

    These are the morons who run the news in the United States of America.

    These empty skirts are the ones who aren't reporting Obama's crimes. They're going soft on Islamic terrorism.

    This is why our country is in trouble.

Visit the Michael Savage website here.

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