Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Fwd: Russian, Kazakh and Ukranian space agencies agree on Bayterek rocket development

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Date: July 10, 2013 5:00:50 PM GMT-06:00
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Subject: FW: Russian, Kazakh and Ukranian space agencies agree on Bayterek rocket development


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11:52 10/07/2013


Russian, Kazakh and Ukranian space agencies agree on Bayterek rocket development


Russian, Kazakh and Ukranian space agencies agree on Bayterek rocket development



ASTANA, July 10 (Itar-Tass) - The space agencies of Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine have confirmed their intention to develop the Bayterek rocket, which is a modernized Zenit launch vehicle, the Kazkosmos press service said on Wednesday.

The Kazakh National Space Agency's head Talgat Musabayev, Roskosmos head Vladimir Popovkin and Ukraine's State Space Agency head Yuri Alexeyev signed the joint protocol, after discussing issues related to cooperation and the prospects for the implementation of the Bayterek project at the Baikonur space centre, the press service said.

According to the document, the space agencies confirmed their interest in the development of tripartite cooperation on the commercial use of the Zenit system in the Bayterek development project, the press service said.

The document envisages that the parties will work out terms and mechanisms of the participation and cooperation of all the interested companies and organizations in the process of the Zenit commercial use in the Bayterek project at all the stages, beginning from the rocket production to launch services.

The tripartite meeting of the heads of the space agencies was held during the conference of CIS executive power representatives in Evpatoria on space industry cooperation.

In accordance with the agreement, the Ukrainian space agency will present its proposals to the Kazkosmoc and Roskosmos on the prospects of cooperation in the Bayterek project. Decision on the project will be taken after the proposals are considered.

Ukraine is interested in the Zenit rocket use in the Bayterek development project, Ukrainian space agency head Alexeyev noted. It will allow consolidating market and image positions of the Zenit rocket and broaden international cooperation with Kazakhstan in the space area, he said.

"We already have experience of tripartite international cooperation in the Dnepr programme. With the protocol of the meeting of the heads of the space agencies, we reiterated the necessity to develop the Bayterek space rocket complex at Baikonur cosmodrome with the participation of Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine," Kazcosmos head Talgat Musabayev said.

Earlier, the Angara launch vehicle was planned to be used in the Bayterek  project.



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