Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Fwd: EVA UPDATE: 3:30 pm Central (4:30 EDT) is approx. start time for NASA TV Press Conference...

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Begin forwarded message:

From: "Moon, Larry J. (JSC-EA411)" <larry.j.moon@nasa.gov>
Date: July 16, 2013 10:51:55 AM GMT-06:00
To: "Moon, Larry J. (JSC-EA411)" <larry.j.moon@nasa.gov>
Subject: FW: EVA UPDATE:  3:30 pm Central (4:30 EDT) is approx. start time for NASA TV Press Conference...



NASA TV will broadcast the post-EVA press conference beginning at 3:30 pm Central (4:30 EDT) from JSC.  Participants are expected to be:


·         David Korth – Lead ISS Flight Director for the EVA

·         Karina Eversley – Lead EVA Officer


Today's EVA by Chris Cassidy and Luca Parmitano was cut short after water was detected leaking into Parmitano's helmet. The EVA began at 6:57 am Central (7:57 EDT) and officially ended at 8:29 Central (9:29 EDT). The duration was 1 hr, 32 min.



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