Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Real Felon

By his own admission, Barack Obama used drugs and almost certainly passed drugs to his friends. This makes it likely he has committed drug-related felonies. Even just passing drugs around in a circle of friends is a “sale of drugs” felony. Nevertheless, it’s not really important whether we have enough definitive evidence to convict Barack Obama in a court room. It is, after all, only the seriousness of the charges and not the nature of the evidence that counts.

During Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s March 1, 2012 press conference, his lead investigator presented a copy of Barack Obama’s draft registration card and explained how it was forged. It was clear that if the draft card Obama possessed was genuine, he, Barack Hussein Obama, received THE ONLY draft card issued since 1980 that was stamped with a single digit year. Every other draft card issued before and after Barack Obama’s special one includes four digits. Obama’s draft card is stamped with “80” for the year it was issued. Any legitimate stamp would say “1980.”

Obama’s draft card looks like it was made by a high school kid learning how to photo-shop a document. All of this strongly suggests Obama may very well be a felon under several statutes of both Hawaiian and federal law.

When Obama either made or received his obviously fake draft card, that could be a  felony violation of Jimmy Carter’s  Proclamation 4771, Registration Under the Military Selective Service Act,  which retroactively re-establishing the Selective Service registration requirement for all 18–26 year old male citizens born on or after January 1, 1960.

Failure to register for the draft – certainly indicated by possession of a forged draft card – makes a man born after December 31, 1959 liable for a maximum fine of $250,000 and a prison term of up to five years.

The law also stipulates that an unregistered male is not eligible for a job in the Executive Branch.  The means a forged draft card cannot be used to satisfy the requirements to be the president. It means Barack Obama may be guilty of federal felonies because he possessed and presented an identification document that is a fake.  It means he may have committed more federal felonies involving fraud when he presented a forged draft card to satisfy the requirements for any federal student aid he used to attend college in America.

My goodness, there may be a felon in the White House!

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