Friday, July 13, 2012


WHAT is Scytl & WHY Should You Be VERY, VERY Concerned?
Written on Tuesday, April 10, 2012 by Ann-Marie Murrell


Here’s another of those quiet, subtle, but very dangerous little stories that has somehow slipped past all the mainstream media outlets.

The United States of America has a brand new private VOTE COUNTING company that the Obama administration has personally handpicked.

The company is called Scytl and it is based in Michelle Obama’s most favorite vacation spot, Barcelona, Spain. 

Forget the fact that Barack is once again providing jobs for people in another country; there are much bigger fish to fry in this story.

According to the “About Us” section of the Scytl website:

Scytl is a worldwide leader in the development of secure solutions for electoral modernization.

 Scytl was formed as a spin-off from a leading research group at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. This group, funded by the Spanish Government’s Ministry of Science and Technology, has pioneered the research on e-voting security in Europe since 1994 and has produced significant scientific results, including 25 scientific papers published in international journals and the first two European Ph.D. theses on electronic voting security, by Prof. Joan Borrell and Scytl’s founder Dr. Andreu Riera (in 1996 and 1999, respectively). This research group also participated in the first Internet binding election in Europe (i.e., the 1997 election to the Presidency of the IEEE IT Spanish chapter).

 Scytl has customers both in the private and public sectors. Some of these customers represent leading references in the electoral modernization market (e.g., governments in Spain, the USA, France, Austria, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Philippines, Argentina, Mexico, Finland and Australia) and are pioneering new electronic voting applications. Scytl’s solutions have been successfully used in multiple projects worldwide, some of which represent breakthrough projects for the electoral modernization industry.

So what does this mean for all us non-European voters here in America?

According to Michael Savage, “[T]his critical component to a free election, the transparent tabulation of votes, will not be handled by individual precincts but by a company over which we will have little control…The problem is that once the votes are merged, it will be impossible to go back and check their integrity at the local level.  It is very likely that this is the final step in Barack Obama’s corruption of the voting process.  It has the promise of enabling him and his cohorts to control the outcomes of federal elections with no accountability.  On top of that it’s one more step toward a global government.”

There are no Americans on the Board of Directors of Scytl—but CEO Pere Valles once lived and worked in Barack’s old stomping grounds, Chicago.  From the Scytl website:

Mr. Valles joined Scytl in March 2004 after spending most of his professional career in the United States. Prior to joining Scytl, Mr. Valles was Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer of GlobalNet, a NASDAQ publicly-traded telecommunications company headquartered in Chicago. Mr. Valles assisted GlobalNet in becoming one of the leading providers of Voice-over-IP in the world and was instrumental in the successful sale of the company to the Titan Corporation, a NYSE defense company. At GlobalNet, Mr. Valles was responsible for designing and executing the strategic plan that led to an increase in revenues from US$ 25 million to over US$ 100 million and brought the company to profitability. Previously, Mr. Valles had worked as Senior Manager for KPMG‘s Mergers & Acquisitions group in Los Angeles and Miami providing financial and strategic consulting services to private equity groups and corporations involved in acquisitions in the United States, Latin America and Europe. During his career at KPMG, Mr. Valles actively participated in more than 20 transactions in the telecommunications and technology areas. Mr. Valles has a bachelor degree in Economics and a bachelor degree in Law from the University of Barcelona and a MBA (summa cum laude) from Indiana University.

In 2008 the Florida Department of State looked into using Scytl’s remote voting system but turned it down.  Their reasons:

Our findings identified vulnerabilities that, in the worst case, could result in (i) voters being unable to cast votes, (ii) an election result that does not accurately reflect the will of the voters, or (iii) disclosure of confidential information, such as the votes cast by a voter. The extent to which these vulnerabilities could actually be exploited in the ODBP is beyond the scope of this report given our lack of system context. Secure handling and audit of the Voter Choice Records may defend against some or all of these vulnerabilities, but these procedures were not available for review.

We identify three findings of particular significance: 

The use of supervised polling stations provides significantly better protection against voter coercion or vote- 
selling than is present in some other absentee voting systems, such as voting by mail.
Two copies of each vote are stored: one electronically, and another on paper as a Voter Choice Record. This pro- vides redundancy that is not present in existing vote-by-mail systems. If the electronic votes are well-protected, then they can enable audit of the paper records in ways that are not currently possible.
After casting their ballot, each voter is given a receipt that is intended to give voters confidence that their votes were “Counted as Cast”. These receipts do not achieve their stated goal of allowing voters to “independently verify that their ballots have been correctly accounted for.” These receipts might indicate that a vote was received and decrypted by the county (a property not typically provided by current postal voting systems), but they do not provide assurance that the voter’s vote was correctly recorded.
Also interesting to note, one of the organizations on “Scytl Partners” tab is Oracle, a major supporter to all-things-Democrat.  And another Scytl Partner is a spooky “global governance” organization called  Check them out.  Yikes.

There are many, many reasons for all of us to be concerned about Obama’s choice in vote-counting this November—yet no one seems to be up-in-arms about this other than Michael Savage and a handful of Internet bloggers.


Goodbye ACORN, hello Scytl…

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3 months ago
Being very, very concerned only puts it mildly. Read carefully and then read again. Does anybody else see the handwriting on the wall for this election? This will not make you sleep well at might be sick. Awful.

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3 months ago
 Agreed.   When this election is over and we have won both the Presidency and the Senate we need to make law that a American third party that is straight counts the votes.   Spain is not known for its honest elections to begin with.

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3 months ago
Jong:  The only completely safe way is to go back to paper ballots that are hand-counted.  The precinct captains (with help from staff) can call each individual voter (probably a few hundred) and ask them how they voted and VERIFY that the counts are stated correctly.  I think we need to all of us call our Representatives (if you can call them that, they haven't done a good job so far in representing us) and tell them to GO BACK TO PAPER BALLOTS THAT ARE HAND COUNTED.  Also, we should tell our State Legislators the same thing.

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2 months ago
Brenda, remember that the past two elections were not exactly the cleanest ever. Remember the Panthers with night sticks in front of the polls, the Acorn farce, and so much else that we do not know about yet. They really don't need this Spanish gambit to fix the election, as a matter of fact it may be just that, a distraction to keep our eyes off the ball while they fix the votes some other way. Who knows what they are capable of? The phony birth certificate and such were unthinkable at one time, now they are in our face. Incessant vigilance, do not trust and verify twice will have to become our motto.


2 months ago
It is against the law to know how a person voted.  That is why they are called secret ballots.  read about how Lyndon Johnson came to power if you think paper ballots are totally correct all of the time (they are not).


2 months ago
If we don't act now, there is no way we will win the election! This was all set up so THEY WILL WIN. Call your congressmen!

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2 months ago
We are only peons  among  the cannibals....  they are all dishonest  people leading our country...  our voting system, our economic decline...all in the plan for passing socialism...   it is  gradualism....  slow and steady...  people are dumb and blind by refusing to see the real  picture...

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Lynda Deming
2 months ago
You are so right, Suz.  They got bored with that gradualism stuff and decided to go straight for the jugular.  It's over and there are still folks who refuse to SEE! 


2 months ago
Don't give up. We can't afford it. 


2 months ago
Syctly does not count ballots, they deliver ballots to service men and women who are overseas as well as citizens who live abroad.  The ballots are mailed back to percincts and counted by those officials, not Scytl.  BTW, all elections are handled by the states none are handled by the federal government.


2 months ago
why not have a company from China be our vote counter..this only continues to become such a joke...  A  joke  we can cry about..that is


3 months ago
Bree, agreed. This development is potentially much larger that even Nixon would have dreamed of. 

The message from Ob*ma and all supporting liberals is Conservatives WILL BE DENIED OUR RIGHTS. Further, the willingness to hire Scytl and legitimize the use of illegal alien votes is a "not so quiet" shot over the bow of American Conservatives. 

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El Lobo Solo
3 months ago
Now we know what all those vacations that Michelle took to Barcelona, Spain was all about.

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Susan Lance
2 months ago
All those trips with the kids tagging along and, oh, yes, then there was the Mother in law!!  Let's see they need the hair dresser, the cook......I'm sure I am missing something, hum, oh,
 does Obama still smoke?    


T Lady
3 months ago
That's the primary reason I pray for our nation on a daily basis. This just illustrates the lengths Obama and his inner circle will go to to remain in power.

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The General
3 months ago
This isn't simply about "remaining in power". It is about expanding power to a totalitarian state where there are no longer real elections as in Russia and China. How is any administration able to legally make a move of this sort? I am sure it is legally challengeable.

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Lynda Deming
2 months ago
If they can get an illegal, ineligible, usurper installed in the oval office without question or challenge they can do anything.  Be very afraid.


Brad Nova
3 months ago
The state's have to certify the vote counts and select their delegates.

We don't have electronic voting in Minnesota so this company will not be used for our votes.

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3 months ago
 And Minnesota is known for not counting votes especially military ones.   They have the most corruptible system in the US.

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3 months ago
Jong- A quick Google search confirms your statement. 

Obviously Brad's response will be the same response given by the liberals nation wide - - - dishonest denial. 

Liberals are taking our Country by any means possible to ensure Old Glory goes down in flames. 

As the Conservative Talk Radio programs begin picking Scytl apart, I expect the Liberal efforts to silence Conservatives to become much more dramatic. 


3 months ago
yea just ask franken..


3 months ago
Jong, Brad Nova is voting for're talking to the enemy.

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3 months ago

BARDIE  BOY LIVES IN ONE OF THE 10,000 LAKES IN THAT STATE you know the one with all the pond scum on it!!

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2 months ago
yes he's try to make gasoline.


3 months ago
 And a total dip wad.


The General
3 months ago
Yes they counted and counted and kept counting until  they got that professional clown Al Franken elected over a fine patriotic americian back in 2008. Oh yeah, we are really confident that things are all above board in Minnesota.....NOT!!


Brad Nova
3 months ago
 Minnesota??? I believe you are very mistaken. Minnesota is known for it's integrity.

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3 months ago
from what i have read on minnesota,s bill boards is

minnesota  states bird is the loon.
the state bug is the tick .
to live there is to be a loon- a -tick.
now you tell me about integrity???== franken?? = slizzebag senator

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El Lobo Solo
3 months ago
Well, at least Al Franken does have something in common with Obama, they both make mention of their cocaine use in years past. Guess their enlightenment & delusions are beyond reproach.


3 months ago an born & raised Iowa corn-fed farm girl....I love that!

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3 months ago
thanks!! I aim to please..

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2 months ago
Too bad you keep on missing. Try aiming a little further to the right next time you take a shot. LOL!!!!


2 months ago
 Franken is a commie/facist from the word GO !! AND he's MEAN and BACK STABBING ENOUGH,he can EASILY be compared to Adolf Hitler,just like our "esteemed presiDUNCE"B.O.


2 months ago
"from what i have read" - LOL!!!!

I love it when you people spout "facts" without citing any sources. You people are just as reliable as Santorum with his faux-facts from the things he's allegedly read. LOL!!!!


El Lobo Solo
3 months ago

Taxes. High with prop taxes ranked at 22 of the 50 states.

Corruption:  High.  From Attorney General on down to local voter fraud.

Crime:  Average violent crime, 263 per 100k, but above average property crime 2852/100k. Crime rate in St. Paul/Minneapolis is 2.5 times above state average.

Minn rated 3 stars out of 5 stars per Strategic Relocation.


3 months ago
 Only in Barcelona.


2 months ago
That must explain how you guys got al franken as a senator then. I mean the man has such a political mind. He's right up there with other political giants like oh say: King George, King Ferdinand you all those monarchs.


Lynda Deming
2 months ago
LOL!  Two words for you, Brad ... AL FRANKEN!  Integrity?  LOL!


E 7ret
2 months ago


The General
3 months ago
You obviously aren't.


El Lobo Solo
3 months ago
The Minn. Sec of State, the one who certifies election results is a George Soros "plant" & Soros has planted (funded their races) in several other states as well. Former Sen Coleman's 700 plus votes last 2008 election shrank to a few hundred votes behind Al Franken during the re-count process & George Soros's bankrolling Franken's court challenge to the Minn Senate election results.

Later, after Coleman withdrew his challenge after several months of litigation, we find that an investigation of election results showed that Coleman, not funny man Al Franken was the winner.

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2 months ago
Al Fraken is funny....I didn't know that, in the two times in my life I've seen him he never made me laugh, but since he's been in the Senate he sure has made me cuss quite a bit.

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El Lobo Solo
2 months ago
"Let those that play your clowns speak no more than is set down for them".

PS: Since George Soros bankrolled Al Franken's court costs to challenge the 2008 Minn. Senate election results, that makes Franken one of the many clowns for Soros.


3 months ago
 No, but your precincts votes will be merged into that one server in Spain. So it will not be able to be sorted out of that server. It will take your precincts to keep duplicates for voter integrity.


Rulken Russell
3 months ago
 Think again, your votes will be "collected", and sent to Spain for "grand totaling"!

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The General
3 months ago
And lots of them will dissappear just like they did in Iowa and Maine and elsewhere during the Republican caucuses. We really can't trust anybody it seems.


3 months ago
hey bradie boy please bet YOUR ASS ON THAT!!!


3 months ago
I think all states have to certify their votes, maybe they just won't count non electronic voting  lol


El Lobo Solo
3 months ago
Start calling/emailing your US Senator & Congressman about this issue. Ask what are they going to do about this?

Also, don't forget your state legislators & districts judges that are running for offices. They have have input in states' election laws too.  I am already on this (like stink on a rotten egg) with my states' Congressional delegation.

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El Lobo Solo
3 months ago
Do something!  Don't give up. 

"It ain't over till its over".
                        Yogi Berra


3 months ago
Thanks El Lobo Solo, okay, I will do that .... I just love you!


2 months ago
 Yes Bree--The upcoming election CAN and probably WILL be FIXED  and RIGGED  AT the behest of the world's most prolific LIAR and treasonous TRAITOR,OUR presiDUNCE,Barack H.Obama.AND this will happen because ALL of the congress and house members are afraid they may "disappoint" The LIAR KING and so they will sit on their DEAD BUTTS and do NOTHING FOR THE CITIZENS. THE SNAKE WILL STRIKE AGAIN AND AGAIN.SO keep your eye on him.His top goal is to overthrow our government and rule us with an IRON FIST !!


Ann Rand
3 months ago
Now, I realize that this is a stupid question, but I will ask anyhow... Why aren't we hearing this from at least Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and others?  Thank God that Michael Savage brought this to light, but we need much more...  Something needs to be started befor we get too far down the road... If we make enough noise at grassroots level, surely it will become known...


3 months ago
I knew it!


Moriah Steiner
2 months ago
 "Does anybody else see the handwriting on the wall for this election? "

You mean Obama's 'last' election?


3 months ago
"Scytl" rhyms with scuttle (TO SINK---A SHIP OF STATE?).  There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that Oba-mao won't do to win TOTAL power over our sorry ass country since he came to power or RULE.  SHAME ON ALL OF THOSE ABSOLUTE UNADULTERATED IDIOTS WHO VOTED FOR HIM.  What next from this sorry SOB. 

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3 months ago
You mean all those DEAD people that voted for him??  And, like Reid's Ballots.........already pre-checked next to Reid's name.  Or the hanging chads in FL.
We'll never have the luxury of an honest election again.

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3 months ago
Oh yes...the hanging, dimpled, pregnant, dangling chads....idiot All Gore!


Rulken Russell
3 months ago
 What's next is him hanging from the end of a rope on the white house lawn!


3 months ago
One more reason why we need paper ballots with open viewing of the counting process in all precincts.   Not only that, but we need voter identification to prevent dead people from voting.

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2 months ago
You forgot about illegals


3 months ago
No one but a handful of internet bloggers and Michael Savage are bothering with this?  This country is done for.  obozo and his socialist minions are destroying this country and the so-called congress and senate are letting him.  Why is not the congress getting upset about this and yelling their heads off?  This is so frighteningly reminiscient of hitler taking over Germany.

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3 months ago
Nixon was impeached on three counts in Watergate: 1. Obstruction of Justice, 2. Abuse of Power, and 3. Contempt of Congress. Has Obama not committed all three? Why are the Democrats protecting him instead of doing what is right for the American people? Could it be that government has gotten so big and powerful due to the financial backing of the nation's most wealthy and powerful that the President and Congress have lined their pockets at the expense of the U.S tax payer?

The Republicans in Congress were shamed by their president and were the biggest supporters of his impeachment! There was no evidence that Nixon had personally committed a crime. However, the tapes proved he had done everything possible to cover it up! Obama's promise of a transparent government was a lie and yet another one of his broken promises. How many more lies, America? Another four more year's worth?

During the Watergate hearings, The Supreme Court of the U.S. said, "Not even a president can withhold evidence in a criminal act." We have an investigation that shows probable evidence...a fake birth certificate, Social Security card, and Selective Service card...that Barack Obama is not a U.S. citizen....a requirement/law in our Constitution for someone to run for President of the U.S.! He was NEVER vetted! Now....does that not constitute a possible crime committed by our president? Or a cover up?

1,000's of telegraphs from Republicans and Democrats flooded the White House asking Congress to file impeachment charges against Richard M. Nixon. The great thing he did during his presidency....bringing our P.O.W.'s and veterans home from Vietnam...was not significant enough to ignore his lies and cover up of Wate4rgate in the eyes of the American people! The MSM never missed a beat when it came to Watergate. It flooded the headlines!

Would this be different if our current president was a Nixon? Would Obama been impeached by now? The political parties did not matter so much to the American people back then. We were a country united, segregation laws banned and the civil rights movement died down. The Vietnam War was behind us and Congress cared about the citizens of this great nation and heard our voices....not about how fat their wallets were getting!

People worked hard to support their families on their own with no help from the government. It was "shameful & humiliating to have "food stamps"...not glamorized by prominent figures like Reverend Jesse Jackson & feminist like Nancy Pelosi.

Our government continues to grow, debt has risen to unsurmountable heights under both Republican & Democrat Presidents. But the biggest damage has been mostly due to progressive liberals taking over our government and country. Their Hollywood voices are listened to more closely and taken more seriously than the conservative Christian middle class working citizens. MSM deliberately avoids the actual facts, because their wealthy liberal owners tell them to.

Liberal policies/agendas have dumbed down our nation creating a dependent entitlement mentality. Minorities such as the black community and other ethnic races, the LGBT community, the atheist, Islamic and non-Christian religions, and the womens' liberation movement support these liberal politicians by believing their Democrat campaign lies that all their rights and equality that they have protested and fought so hard to obtain will all be taken away by Conservative Republicans. Yet the conservatives...the patriotic people want to protect their rights and individualities that our Constitition guarantees and protects! Obama is ignoring the Constitution and abusing his powers by "executive orders"!

Look at where we were and look at what we've become. Has progressiveness bettered our nation? Do we have a stronger economy? Or do we have an obscene amount of debt? Has foreign policy increased? Or is this President cutting military funding and veteran benefits weakening our world renown power as the Country who will come to our allies aid and protect their sovereignty and their government from tyranny? Are we looked at as the most powerful country in the free world? Or are other countries now laughing at us, because we are incorporating socialist policies that have proven time after time to NEVER WORK in their own countries?

We the People can change this. Let's join together. "United We Stand. Divided We Fall."

Let's vote "right" next time around. Obama to the Out House in 2012!

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3 months ago


2 months ago
With a rectal like that you should be running for office. I must say I agree with you on all points. But we have no one to blame but ourselves. All of this started in the schools and we trusted in gov't to run education. Now look at them 90% can't read write or speak the english language coherently.
Young kids today are taught that it's okay to have two "mommies or two daddies'
That Islam is not a threat
That Isreal is a terrorist nation
That companies who provide jobs are bad
That hard work & determination is to be dismissed as abject failure
That no one person deserves any property rights because all property belongs to the state and is to be shared equally with the worker and the slacker
In short people we're screwed
Just as foot note clean your guns check your ammo; there's going to be a long storm to ride out. I only hope the military falls in on our side. If the pentagaon sides with the gov't (0Bozo) well were pretty much fuc*ed.


3 months ago
sorry about the spelling errors/typos....I'm kind of pissed!


Lynda Deming
2 months ago
Nixon was never impeached.  He may have been in time, but he resigned
first, for the good of the country.  Just as he decided not to challenge the 1960 election where he “lost” by [POINT] .17% -- for the good of the country.  He
was our last statesman/patriot.

Of course it would be different if he was a republican.  Prior to 2008 the demonrats would have NEVER allowed an ineligible foreign agent to run, let alone win, the presidency.  Look what they tried to do to President Bush.  They called for his impeachment for 8 long years and are still calling for his arrest with no viable reason to do either.

Great post – thank you.


3 months ago
Should not the voters of this country had say so before this creep made this arrangement with of all people, the spanish people?  This smells like laraza scum all way.

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3 months ago
What a sneaky way to appeal to Hispanic voters who are angered at the Trayvon travesty!


3 months ago
Why has the federal vote counting process been farmed out to a Spanish company, to a big Obama donor, where the votes will be aggregated to where the count by local precinct will be lost. This is an outrage. We need to turn this around now!! Contact your/our congressmen and senators NOW.


3 months ago
So... why even vote? You KNOW Obama will "win" regardless of how the country votes.  The purpose of "voting" is to keep us citizens with our wee tiny minds satisfied that "we did our part". What a joke this country has become.

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Rulken Russell
3 months ago
 Nope, we have to vote ! But tell your elected official that we want paper ballots, and we want them counted as our fathers votes were counted!


3 months ago
Where is the outrage from the republican congress? Everyone needs to write them today, don't wait. How can a candidate "handpick" a foreign vote counting company for an election that he is running in? Don't expect a reasonable answer however. You'll get the usual courtesy letter thanking you for your shared concerns and maybe asking for a donation. Out with all of them!!

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3 months ago


Lynda Deming
2 months ago
The reason the so-called republicans do nothing about this would be because they have been bought and paid for.  When they knowingly allowed an ineligible usurper to be seated in the oval office they became complicit in any and all of his actions.  They are now every bit as guilty as the usurper himself.


3 months ago
There is no outrage because they don't have anything to be outraged about. This is fear-mongering and it's stupid. Don't you think that Republican and Democrat officials alike have access to more secure information than the average citizen? I'm sure they know about this and have reviewed it already. If they haven't, then they aren't doing their jobs.

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El Lobo Solo
3 months ago
They (Congress members) readily admit that they pass bills without reading them.

"We must pass the Health Care Bill (HB 3200) so Americans can see whats in it"
                                                                                      House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

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Rulken Russell
3 months ago
 Nancy is one of the top communist along side Reid in government, they need to be hung along side Obama for treasonous acts against the constitution !

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El Lobo Solo
3 months ago
Notice how the Libs have no problem with Sen Harry Ried's Mormonism, but make a big deal of it when it comes to Mitt Romney.
Not just to single out Mormonism, same could be said about the late Ted Kennedy's  or Nancy Pelosi's Catholic faith versus Rick Santorum.

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The General
3 months ago
Good point. The issue is very simply this: the left have no principles, only politics. That explains their shameless hypocrisy and pure political fabrications such as Zimmerman is a "white" latino but Obama is not a "white" negro. The truth doesn't exist as a concept to be respected to them. It is just another idea to be considered a "tool" as a means to an end. That is why they are capable of anything. When you have no conscience......


2 months ago
I wonder if he gets this authority from that healthcare bill?

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2 months ago
i'd love to cut your face to shreds.


3 months ago
 Not doing their jobs is part and parcel of how they operate now.


2 months ago
There is ample proof that no one in the congress, democrat or republican, nor anyone in the Executive branch is doing their jobs. What makes you think that they are? No budget, no meaningful spending reductions and so on. And as you may find out eventually, there is not a clear line between the aisles at all.   In this case what is good for the goose is good for the gander. If one side tries to fraudulently win an election the other side will use even more arcane tactics. It is a very revolting development.


Rulken Russell
3 months ago
 They haven't done their "jobs" for a decade or so, what makes you think they will start now?


Hallie Roberts
2 months ago
They AREN'T doing their jobs!!!


The General
3 months ago
What an incredibly naive and ignorant viewpoint that is!! What? Are you a high school cheerleader or something? Did you get that from NPR? In the event you have been living under a rock the last couple of months the Republicans demonstrated as much corruption in their voting procedures during the Iowa and Maine caucuses and likely elsewhere as we used to expect from the Democrats. You need to educate yourself so you can make decisions that protect you and yours, not the scumbags in politics.

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3 months ago
All I'm saying is you all sounds like conspiracy therorists.

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2 months ago
 Shannon, whomever told you there's something wrong with conspiracy theories, was only shoving your head into the sand. They were doing you a disservice.

It's unwise for you to insist that we trust politicians, when the Obama administration has repeatedly given us so much conspiracy-theory ammo:



Obama Says We Need a Civilian National Security Force Just as Big as the Military


DHS ORDERS 450 MILLION .40 CALIBER HOLLOW POINT CARTRIDGES AND 175 MILLION .223 CAL CARTRIDGES (Note: hollow point cartridges are illegal, per the Geneva Convention)





HIDDEN OBAMACARE DETAILS (good comprehensive video)






2008 PELOSI SCANDAL -- After the Hawaiian Dem Party refused to certify Obama's eligibility, here's how Nancy Pelosi swept it under the rug:

Trump: Obama spending millions to hide his past:

(Shannon, there's a LOT more evidence than the above. Please pull your head out of the sand.)

NOTE:  This website is formatted so that you cannot simply copy the above links, and paste them somewhere else. You have to visit every link and copy the individual URL addresses one by one.


2 months ago
Shannon, its not a theory anymore


3 months ago
*sound like*


3 months ago
It is the way to tell the world:
'You have a democratically elected One World Order...the People WANT this'.

Better buy more ammo friends!

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Ann Mallory
2 months ago


3 months ago
 Now the Usurper plans to have the November votes counted in SPAIN !!!!!!!!


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Vicki Henderson
3 months ago
 Congress is planning on using the same system to stay in office.  Why would they be outraged?


3 months ago
....and coincidently....he's the first president to ever do this! Are you saying the country's voting system is not good enough for the next election, Mr. O? Could it be because it is much easier to find voter fraud when it occurs in our own country? Love this guys "transparency"! Isn't he just "marvelous"! *sarcasm*


3 months ago
How does HE get to chose who counts our votes.  I think we need to dump congress as well  as they are facilitating this behavior.  I just read an article that was saying that Obamadenijad wanted to give Egypt $1.5 billion.  Congress said no.  Clinton has just said that they were appyling a waiver to go around congress.  Where in the Constitution does it say that they can give our hard earned tax dollars to foreign governments.

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Lynda Deming
2 months ago
The Constitution is irrelevant.  It became null and void on January 20, 2009.  Folks better wake up to that realization.


3 months ago
This is no longer our country.

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Rulken Russell
3 months ago
 Make no mistake about it, this IS our country, and "We the People", need to spend some blood to get it back!

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