| | Bobby, 
Everytime we turn around, Speaker Boehner is cutting major deals between Establishment Republicans and liberal Democrats... at the expense of conservatives like you and me.
He was caught on camera kissing Pelosi on the cheek in the Rose Garden while Obama was celebrating the $200 billion deal that Boehner and Pelosi personally worked to negotiate.
Boehner is a Deadbeat Republican, and we must get him out of office!
Let me explain: John Boehner has just reported raising $5.4 million dollars -- and he's set to use $4.28 million of that to attack conservatives while he uses the other $900,000 to secure his own re-election.
Ohio has been saddled with the same liberal sellout for 24 years, and in the last 5 years, Boehner's become like an infection.
In 2014 your Tea Party Leadership Fund had a critical moment... We were able to prove that Boehner was weak. Conservatives caught the big-spending Establishment off guard when we rallied around a little-known Economics professor in Virginia to topple one of the most powerful Establishment Republicans in Congress.
What was the story the day after the Republican primary in Virginia's 7th District? "Cantor Loses Primary -- Dave Brat, a local economics professor, toppled House Majority Leader Eric Cantor on Tuesday night in the most shocking primary defeat since Republicans took the House in 2010."
It was even more historic than that -- unprecedented -- in fact. No majority leader had ever before lost in a primary challenge.
Think it can't be done again, to the sellout Speaker of the House? Think again.
Because that's exactly what the Tea Party Leadership Fund is going do -- with your help.
Will you sign your own personalized Primary Boehner petition, and chip in $25 or $5 to help us find and back the true conservative who will replace John Boehner?
Defeating John Boehner -- and replacing him with a real conservative and true patriot -- means recruiting the best Republican challenger possible, and laying the foundation for another huge victory and seismic upheaval of the "politics-as-usual" GOP establishment.
Bobby, your Tea Party Leadership Fund spent $500,000 on the ground to primary John Boehner last year. We are going to do it again in 2016, and it starts now -- with your help
We can make history again -- and have an even bigger impact than before -- when you take this critical opportunity to invest in the end to John Boehner's double-dealing with your generous contribution of $25, $50, or even $100 to the Tea Party Leadership Fund's Operation Bounce Boehner today!
If we're to have any chance of reversing Barack Obama's calamitous agenda after he finally leaves the White House or restoring American liberty and prosperity, we must have a Republican Congressional leadership which actually thinks that's a good idea!
Will you click here to add your name to the Primary Boehner Petition and pitch in at least $25 to enable the following, aggressive primary challenge campaign tactics against John Boehner?
1. Reaching over 250,000 signatures on TPLF's REMOVE Boehner Petition;
2. Ensuring our campaign is a top story on FOX, CNN, and other major media outlets across the country;
3. Airing hundreds of targeted radio ads;
4. Launching a massive on the ground field team supported by a national network of donors, volunteers, and activists.
5. Endorsing and supporting an insurgent GOP candidate who will do for John Boehner what Dave Brat did for his No. 2.
That's why I need every person who reads this email to give at least $25. With your support, we will have more than $100,000 to build the foundation for his upset before Boehner even knows what hit him.
If you need any reminder just how critical it is to defeat John Boehner, these are just a few of the reasons. If we had a Republican Speaker of the House who held Obama accountable:
| • | We could have repealed and defunded Obamacare; | | • | We could have said no to the massive debt increase in the latest tax-and-spend liberal budget; | | • | We could have protected disabled veterans' pensions AND CUT CONGRESS'S INSTEAD; and | | • | We wouldn't have a GOP House leadership approving funding for Barack Obama's illegal DHS amnesty scheme.
| You know our mission in this epic battle for America's future:
1. We are dedicated to recruiting Americans who share the Founding Fathers vision of America as a beacon of liberty and hope throughout the world.
2. We are a grassroots movements bringing ordinary citizens together to advance fundamentally American values.
3. We are not a political party and are not beholden to any party or politician.
4. AND most importantly, we seek to reform the entire political environment from the bottom up and return political power to where it was always intended: the American people.
NOW is the time to plant the seeds which will blossom in John Boehner's defeat.
Please, Bobby, I need you to stop what you are doing immediately and sign your Primary Boehner Petition...then make your most generous donation of $25, $100 or what you can afford. Every bit counts and 100% of it will go toward John Boehner's defeat!
The time has come for real change -- now let's make it happen!
For Freedom,
 Katrina Pierson
P.S. If you have read this far, I know you're with us. BUT if you still haven't given, I really need your immediate support for this urgent, early effort to ensure John Boehner's primary defeat. Even if you have never given, now is the moment it's most needed - please sign today and make your contribution of $25 or more today to the Tea Party Leadership Fund's Primary Boehner today! Thanks, Katrina
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