Monday, March 3, 2014


"John McCain, the neocons and John Kerry have gotten what they wanted," Savage told his audience, noting:

    We're on the verge of a possible confrontation not seen since the Bay of Pigs invasion. 

    The idiots running this country have put themselves in a no-win situation. 

    They told Russia they have no right to defend their own territorial integrity.

    So now what is America going to do? 

    They can't win.

    Would you like your neighbor's son to die for the Crimean peninsula? 

    I want everyone to pray for peace, because sometimes, if enough people refuse to get hysterical, you can stop something bad from happening. 

    Let's pray for the children of Ukraine, of Russia, of Venezuela and the world. 

    Let's pray that the adults running this world don't take us into the Third World War.
Visit the Michael Savage website here. 

Sent from my iPad

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