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From: Dick Morris Reports <>
Date: January 14, 2014 12:11:31 PM CST
To: Subscriber <>
Subject: Stop Obama's Dictatorial Orders!
Stop Obama's Dictatorial Orders!
Dear Friend,
Published on on January 14, 2014
President Obama has expanded his powers as president so broadly that he is really governing by executive order rather than by Congressional action.
At last somebody is doing something about it. Congressman Tom Rice (R-SC) has introduced a resolution in the House calling on the chamber to sue Obama to roll back four particularly intrusive executive action:
• His implementation of the DREAM Act legalizing illegal immigrants by executive order
• His waiver of the employer mandate on ObamaCare
• His ruling that education and training, rather than actual employment at a job, satisfies the work requirement under welfare reform
• His rollback of cancellations of individual health care plans by ObamaCare
Whether you agree or disagree with these actions, the key point is that he president does not have the power to take them. Obama is disregarding Congress and taking power entirely into his own hands.
Congressman Rice has 57 co-sponsors on his resolution to ask the House to sue Obama over these usurpations.
Please sign this petition to ask your Congressman to join as a co-sponsor. Go to to sign up as a "citizen co-sponsor" of Congressman Rice's resolution.
Here is the list of Congressmen who have joined as co-sponsors of the Rice resolution. Sign this petition to urge your Congressman to join as well!
Current Cosponsors of H. Res. 442: Amodei (NV-2), Bachmann (MN-6), Barton (TX-6), Bentivolio (MI-11), Bridenstine (OK-1), Broun (GA-10), Burgess (TX-26), Chaffetz (UT-3), Cramer (ND-At Large), DesJarlais (TN-4), DeSantis (FL-6), Jeff Duncan (SC-3), John Duncan (TN-2), Flores (TX-17), Franks (AZ-8), Gowdy (SC-4), Harris (MD-1), Hudson (NC-8), Hunter (CA-50), Steve King (IA-4), LaMalfa (CA-1), Lamborn (CO-5), Marino (PA-10), McClintock (CA-4), Meadows (NC-11), Candace Miller (MI-10) , Nugent (FL-11), Nunnelee (MS-1), Palazzo (MS-4), Pittenger (NC-9), Posey (FL-8), Tom Price (GA-6), Ribble (WI-8), Roby (AL-2), Roe (TN-1), Salmon (AZ-5), Sanford (SC-1), Schweikert (AZ-6), Scott (GA-8), Simpson (ID-2), Stewart (UT-2), Stockman (TX-36), Walberg (MI-7), Weber (TX-14), Wenstrup(OH-2),Westmoreland (GA-3), Williams (TX-25), Joe Wilson (SC-2), Woodall (GA-7), Yoho (FL-3), Don Young (AK-At Large)
Click Here To Sign The Petition To Stop Obama's Dictatorial Orders!
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Dick Morris is well known for his insightful and hard-hitting political commentary. With his wife, Eileen McGann, Dick has written 14 books, including 10 NY Times best-sellers. Together they pen almost daily columns for their website, the New York Post, Newsmax, the Hill Magazine and many other publications. Domestically, Morris has handled the winning campaigns of more than 30 Senators and Governors, including President Bill Clinton and Republican Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott. Internationally, he has piloted the successful campaigns of the president or prime minister of Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay, Kenya, Hungary, Poland, Taiwan, and Japan.
Morris' and McGann's latest book is Here Come the Black Helicopters!:UN Global Governance and the Loss of Freedom.
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