Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fwd: JSC Today - Wednesday, October 23, 2013

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From: "Moon, Larry J. (JSC-EA411)" <>
Date: October 23, 2013 8:25:50 AM EDT
To: "Moon, Larry J. (JSC-EA411)" <>
Subject: FW: JSC Today - Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Will send you NASA News when John Petty/PAO gets it to us later this morning..  and this Friday is our next Flex Friday 



Wednesday, October 23, 2013





  1. Latest International Space Station Research

Research on the space station didn't take a furlough! One of the human research experiments conducted recently is called Microbiome; it's all about the microbes that live in and on astronauts. Imbalances in the microbe ecosystem can be an effect of spaceflight, and that can affect human health. Read more here.

Liz Warren x35548


  1. Normal Building Operations This Friday

We will maintain normal weekday building schedules this Friday and will not transition into our reduced services for Super Flex Friday as previously planned. We anticipate some employees may have experienced a backlog of work during the furlough and need to work to catch up.

Joel Walker x30541


  1. Tree-Planting Ceremony Honors Alan G. Poindexter

JSC team members are invited to attend the tree-planting ceremony in honor of Captain Alan G. Poindexter, USN, on Tuesday, Nov. 5, in the Memorial Tree Grove at 9 a.m.  

Captain Poindexter was a veteran of two spaceflights: STS-122 aboard Atlantis and STS-131 aboard Discovery. He logged more than 669 hours in space before he retired from NASA in December 2010 to return to the Navy. As an aviator, Poindexter amassed more than 4,000 hours in more than 30 aircraft types and logged more than 450 carrier landings.

Event Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2013   Event Start Time:9:00 AM   Event End Time:10:00 AM
Event Location: Memorial Tree Grove

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Stephanie Castillo x33341


  1. Exhibition: Lund University, Sweden, Student Work

Please stop by and view the work of industrial design students from Lund University in Sweden. They will display the results of a two-week visit to JSC and their views on aspects of a human mission to Mars. The display will be in the breezeway between Buildings 4S and 4N today, Oct. 23, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. They welcome your comments.

Larry Toups x47974


  1. Calibrated Imaging of Lights and Displays

Is your team currently developing/verifying display systems or LED/OLED light sources? The Lighting Environment Test Facility at JSC maintains a high-end imaging system that can provide calibrated photometric and colorimetric performance data in the form of a flat-field image scan of the light-emitting device. Each pixel point in the image data provides a measurement in photometric and colorimetric units. This system is extremely useful during the engineering-development process of solid-state light sources and provides a quick assessment of performance factors such as uniformity and contrast. The imaging system can measure a wide range of device size. Please contact the Lighting Environment Test Facility to learn more.

Toni A. Clark, P.E. x30857



  1. Illegal Drug Trends

For parents of teens: The newest illegal drugs sweeping the nation are prevalent on high school and college campuses, easily obtained and highly dangerous. As part of Red Ribbon week, the JSC Employee Assistance Program is pleased to host Amy K. Killgore, LCDC-I, ACPS, CTS and prevention specialist with the Clear Creek Independent School District; and Captain Sifuentes of the Galveston County Sheriff's Office, who will provide information on the latest trends and signs to look for. Please join us today at 12 noon in the Building 30 Auditorium.

Event Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2013   Event Start Time:12:00 PM   Event End Time:1:00 PM
Event Location: Building 30 Auditorium

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Lorrie Bennett, Employee Assistance Program, Occupational Health Branch x36130


  1. Kids' Fright Fest Bash Friday - Gilruth Center

It will be a spooky night for all with the Halloween fun at the Gilruth Center on Friday! Our Kids' Fright Fest Bash is where it's at with a bounce house, games, candy, prizes, face-painting, costume contests, refreshments and more -- from 5 to 8 p.m. in the Gilruth Center gymnasium. The cost is $10/child. Adults do not need a ticket. Purchase tickets at the Gilruth Center and the Buildings 3 and 11 Starport Gift Shops. Be sure to visit our family-friendly haunted house ... if you dare.

Plus, join in on our Spooky Spin specialty spin class and NightMARE Run. Register at the Gilruth Center for both.

More information can be found here.

Event Date: Friday, October 25, 2013   Event Start Time:5:00 PM   Event End Time:8:00 PM
Event Location: Gilruth Center

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Shelly Haralson x39168


  1. Youth Basketball Clinic

Starport is now offering a co-ed youth basketball clinic starting Nov. 6. The clinic is a fun, skill-based clinic for ages 8 to 12. It runs once a week for six weeks from 5 to 6 p.m. every Wednesday. The fee for the clinic is $100 per child. Register at the Gilruth Center or online.

Robert Vaughn x38049


   Jobs and Training

  1. Upcoming NESC/NEN Webcast

The NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC)and NASA Engineering Network (NEN) will be hosting the following webcast today, Oct. 23, at noon CDT for approximately two hours. The webcast, titled "Qualifying Flight Hardware to Shock Environments," will be presented by Ali Kolaini.

Registration is easy. Go to here and click the "Sign in to Register" button. You will be redirected to LaunchPad to enter your user name and password. After a successful authentication, click the "Register Now" button. You will receive a confirmation email. If you can't attend the live webcast, please register anyway and we will notify you when the recorded (on-demand) version is available online for you to view. Registration is not available outside of the NASA firewall.

Hope Rachel Venus 757-864-9530



  1. JSC is Back in Business! Help Us Get the Word Out

V-CORPs needs you! We have exciting opportunities for JSC employees to engage with the public to let them know what an awesome job the JSC team does. Here are just a few:

There is an urgent need for volunteers to staff an exhibit at the George R. Brown Convention Center for the International Quilt Festival. NASA designs and develops quite a few softgoods (think spacesuits and cargo transfer bags), and current station crew member, Karen Nyberg, has done some quilting during her mission. Volunteers are needed Oct. 30 to Nov. 3, with multiple shifts available each day -- no sewing experience required. To sign up, check out the event page on the V-CORPs website.

Help us inspire the scientists and engineers of the future by volunteering as a science fair judge at the Ward Elementary Science fair. The event is on Dec.11, but we would like to confirm your support this week. Interested? Volunteer directly on the V-CORPs calendar, or by emailing the V-CORPs admin.

Click on the "current volunteer opportunities" tile to see a list of upcoming events. You can sign up right from that list if you're signed in. Not yet a V-CORPs volunteer? It's easy to sign up -- just click on the COUNT ME IN button on the V-CORPs website. Be sure to check back frequently -- we are adding events every day.

JSC External Relations, Community Relations Office x35111


  1. Blood Drive Oct. 23 & 24

There is no substitute for blood. It has to come from one person in order to give it to another. Will there be blood available when you or your family needs it? A regular number of voluntary donations are needed every day to meet the needs for blood. Make the "Commitment to Life" by taking one hour of your time to donate blood. Your blood donation can help up to three patients.

You can donate at one of the following locations (note start time change):

    • Teague Auditorium lobby: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
    • Building 11 Starport Café donor coach: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
    • Gilruth Center donor coach: Noon to 4 p.m. (Thursday only)

T-shirts, snacks and drinks are available for all donors.

Teresa Gomez x39588




JSC Today is compiled periodically as a service to JSC employees on an as-submitted basis. Any JSC organization or employee may submit articles.

Disclaimer: Accuracy and content of these notes are the responsibility of the submitters.

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