Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Fwd: Prediction Of A Crash In Next Two Weeks

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Date: August 7, 2013 5:25:51 PM GMT-06:00
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Subject: Prediction Of A Crash In Next Two Weeks

Prediction Of A Crash In Next Two Weeks
Published on on August 7, 2013

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Dear Friend,

Jim Fitzgibbon, the head of the Highlander Fund, appeared on my radio show on Wednesday, August 7th, and went through chapter and verse about what is happening in the economy today.  He used language we can all understand.
The bottom line is that he predicts a massive drop in the stock market and the economy this month that will continue, with brief spurts upward, until the end of the year and beyond.
His track record in predictions is extraordinary, having predicted the Japanese crash and, to the month, the 2008 meltdown.
Please listen to this tape!  It is very important.
(This is not a paid ad.  It is my heartfelt wish that you hear what he has to say and take it seriously.)
Click Here to listen to my interview with Jim Fitzgibbon!


Dick Morris

View my most recent videos in case you missed them!

Congress Exempts Itself From ObamaCare - Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

NSA Wants Your Password - Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

Benghazi: A New Iran-Contra Scandal? Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

The New Deal Part I: Relief But No Recovery - Dick Morris TV: History Video!

The Death Of Fourth Amendment - Dick Morris TV: Lunch Alert!

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About Dick Morris
Dick Morris is well known for his insightful and hard-hitting political commentary. With his wife, Eileen McGann, Dick has written 14 books, including 10 NY Times best-sellers. Together they pen almost daily columns for their website, the New York Post, Newsmax, the Hill Magazine and many other publications. Domestically, Morris has handled the winning campaigns of more than 30 Senators and Governors, including President Bill Clinton and Republican Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott. Internationally, he has piloted the successful campaigns of the president or prime minister of Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay, Kenya, Hungary, Poland, Taiwan, and Japan.

Morris' and McGann's latest book is Here Come the Black Helicopters!:UN Global Governance and the Loss of Freedom.

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