Wednesday, August 7, 2013

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How Islam Conquers Europe

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Hezbollah's Deputy Director General, Sheikh Naim Qassem, says Europe will be harmed by the lies it spreads about Hezbollah, whose two wings are intertwined and cannot be separated. He says Hezbollah knows exactly how to respond to Europe's provocation, and will do so at a time and in a place it chooses.

Europe, in denial, afraid to face the truth about the Islamist threat, has taken the coward's way out and stuck its head firmly in the sand. Even as the radical Islamist networks threatening to take over Europe entrench themselves in the violent enclaves within the swelling Islamic communities in the cities, the EU's politicians, with their elastic sense of morality and double-jointed value system, outdo themselves in attempts to reassure their constituents, and defang the Islamist terrorism about to explode in their back yards.

In light of Hezbollah's participation in the slaughter in Syria and of the terrorist attacks it has carried out in the thirty years of its existence, the leaders of the EU had no choice but to designate its "military wing" as a terrorist organization and take measures against it, but somehow managed to leave its so-called "political wing" untouched.

However, before the EU could designate Hezbollah a terrorist organization, a sop had to be thrown to the various Islamist terrorist organizations: an anti-Israeli decision. In a particularly pathetic move intended to provide "balance" for designating Hezbollah's military wing a terrorist organization -- and hoping to stave off the Islamist terrorism threatening Europe, if only temporarily -- the EU issued a condemnation of the Jewish settlements in the occupied territories and announced that their products would be boycotted.

The truth is that the EU's condemnation of the Israeli settlements is sinful, because it is impossible to distinguish between the various Israeli groups. The Jews who live in occupied Palestine and the Jews who live in the occupied West Bank are all Jewish Zionist invaders who settled on Arab lands on the grounds that the Bible granted them the right to the land, while the Palestinians have no right to the Holy Land which gave birth to Jesus, the first Palestinian Messiah. I do not hate the Jews, but by distinguishing between the two parts of the Blessed Land, the EU legitimized the Jewish settlers who have been living in occupied Palestine since 1948. As the Arabic proverb says, "He who came to put kohl on the eyes of the lady instead caused her to go blind."

It is obvious that all the EU's slippery maneuvering and rhetoric have only one objective: to fool the radical Islamists and appease them, in that way hoping to gain quiet, for the time being, and postpone the eventual outbreak of Islamist violence. The Islamists, however, refuse to be manipulated by such semantics. Hezbollah spokesmen had an immediate aggressive response to the EU announcement, calling it surrender to the dictates of the Americans and the Zionist lobby, and a hostile action, which serves only the Jews.

Hezbollah's Deputy Director General, Sheikh Naim Qassem, says Europe will be harmed by this decision and the lies it spreads about Hezbollah, whose two wings are intertwined and cannot be separated. Hezbollah, he says, makes no distinction whatsoever between its political and military wings, and that the unity of the organization is perfectly clear to every Lebanese and every shaheed (martyr who dies for the sake of Allah in a holy war) who had ever fought in its ranks. He said Hezbollah knows exactly how to respond to the EU's provocation, and will do so at a time and in a place it chooses.

Naim Qassem, Deputy Secretary-General of Hezbollah, in 2009. (Source: Sebastian Baryli)

No further statement was necessary to send the EU running to raise the white flag to any organization that so desired. After all, Hezbollah's threats are genuine, and its fingerprints recently found on the terrorist attack in Burgas, Bulgaria.

Hezbollah, however, is not the only terrorist organization with its ear to the ground in Europe. Operatives of the various Islamist organizations -- among them, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda and Hamas -- listen very carefully to the EU's pronouncements and continue to threaten, attack and weave a web of terrorism that will eventually cover Europe with destruction and death. Unlike Hezbollah, the leaders of these organizations still protest, for the time being, that there is a distinction between their political leadership and their military wings, but in reality the distinction is artificial, and its only objective is to fool the Europeans. They are exactly like Hezbollah, with no distinction whatsoever between politics and operations. As soon as their so-called political wings give the order, they will blow up Europe, and after that, the United States.

The EU's designation of Hezbollah's military wing as a terrorist organization is an example of Christian Europe's cowardice as it looks into the face of the radical Islam that is threatening to destroy it. Europe is slowly dismembering itself, its principles and its cultural legacy to feed the monster and keep it at bay, while the monster will soon be strong enough to break its chains. Europe has started by feeding the monster a little finger, which it can easily do without; and will wind up feeding the monster its internal organs.

The first person to notice the trend was the late Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi -- beaten and then shot at the side of the road in 2011 -- who said, "The Muslims will conquer Europe without firing a shot." If he knew about the European distinction between the political and military wings of the various Islamist terrorist organizations, he would die again, this time laughing.

Related Topics:  Ali Salim

Al Qaeda Flag Flies High Above Christian Churches

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This anti-Christian fury has taken on genocidal proportions. "Allah willing, the day is coming when no Copt will ever again tread the ground of Egypt -- and no churches. We will no longer allow churches to exist."

Days ago, al-Qaeda's Egyptian leader, Ayman Zawahiri, portrayed the overthrow of Muhammad Morsi and the Brotherhood as a "Crusader" campaign led by Coptic Pope Tawadros II who, according to Zawahiri and other terrorists, is trying to create a Coptic state in Egypt.

Since then, not only are Egypt's Christians and churches now being attacked in ways unprecedented in the modern era, but new reports indicate that al-Qaeda's black flag has been raised on some of them, specifically St. George Church in Sohag.

Considering that it was al-Qaeda linked terrorists who initiated one of the bloodiest church attacks in recent history, the 2010 Baghdad church attack in which nearly 60 Christians were slaughtered (click here for graphic images), al-Qaeda's singling out Egypt's Christians looks alarming.

The Islamic terrorist organization's incitement against the Copts is just the latest emanating from Islamists -- from the top of the Brotherhood leadership to the bottom of the "Muslim street" -- and is creating something of an "open season" on Egypt's Christians.

Days after the overthrow of Morsi, the supreme leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Muhammad Badie, was first to attack by Coptic Pope Tawadros by name for supporting the popular June 30 revolution, which saw tens of millions of Egyptians take to the streets. After Badie demonized the Copts, assaults on Christians began in earnest. Many churches were attacked and burned, and several Christians were murdered in Upper Egypt; over in the Sinai, a young Coptic priest was shot dead, while the body of Magdy Lam'i Habib, a Christian, was found mutilated and beheaded. Due to the many death threats to Pope Tawadros, he has left the papal residence at the St. Mark Cathedral, which was earlier savagely attacked when Morsi was still president.

This anti-Christian fury is far from sated; it has taken on genocidal proportions. While Al Jazeera was covering (and distorting) events in Egypt, a Libyan man, Tamar Rashad called in and said, "I want to offer the good news to [Pope] Tawadros that, Allah willing, the day is coming when no Copt will ever again tread the ground of Egypt -- and no churches. We will no longer allow churches to exist." When the host appeared to protest, Rashad interrupted him saying, "It's already decided, take your cameras and go to the churches and you'll see what's going to happen soon, Allah willing."

Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one of the Islamic world's leading preachers and spiritual father of the Muslim Brotherhood, has also given his formal stamp of approval to persecute Christians; he recently posted a video saying that "Christians" and others "were recruited [by Egypt's military] to kill innocent Muslims."

As expected, all these incitements against the Copts issued by several top Islamist leaders have so increased the attacks on Copts that it has become difficult in the last few days to keep up with the attacks on them -- the reports emanating from Egypt are many and nonstop. Throughout Upper Egypt -- in Minya, Asyut, Sohag -- Christians and their churches are under attack; dozens of Coptic homes and businesses have been set on fire. Due to the risk to Christian lives, many churches are no longer holding regular worship services.

The situation has become so dire that Ibrahim Eissa, a popular Egyptian journalist and TV personality, apparently unable to keep silent over the plight of the Copts, recently said on live TV: "The Christians have suffered in Egypt, over the course of two and a half years. Their churches have been burned, their children killed. The Maspero Massacre occurred, where several Copts were slain. Catastrophic fatwas [religious edicts] appeared, calling them infidels and inciting against them…. No one has suffered as much as they. Today, if any Christian attempts to join a protest, he does so at the risk of defying dozens of fatwas calling for his death and decapitation, and the burning of churches, especially in Upper Egypt."

With the ouster of Muhammad Morsi, Egypt's Islamists have finally gotten the pretext they need to cleanse the nation of its Christian minority, the Copts -- ironically, Egypt's native sons.

The unprecedented hate currently being visited on them is fueled by Islam's "How Dare You?" phenomenon: As conquered non-Muslims, Christians can only live as dhimmis: according to traditional Islamic teaching, barely tolerated "infidels" who must be humble and submissive -- to the point that they are not permitted to raise their hands to Muslims even when attacked.

Far from assuming their "proper place," Egypt's Christians supported the June 30 Revolution against the will and threats of the Brotherhood. Thus, to Egypt's disenfranchised and bitter Brotherhood and its supporters, Egypt's Christians, beginning with their pope, are all now fair game.

Raymond Ibrahim is author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War in Christians (published by Regnery in cooperation with Gatestone Institute, April 2013). He is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and an associate fellow at the Middle East Forum.

Related Topics:  Egypt  |  Raymond Ibrahim

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